Shipping & Returns

Return Policy

You may return most new, unworn items in their original condition with tags attached within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We'll also pay the return shipping costs, but a nominal $7 restocking fee will be deducted from the amount of your refund. This small fee helps cover the costs associated with processing your return. Once the return is received and inspected, your refund will be issued to the original payment method.

Sale items or seasonal markdowns will be considered FINAL SALE. Please keep this in mind when making purchases!

If you need to return an item, please submit a return request on the order history page associated with your store account. A return label will be provided via email after your return request has been reviewed and approved!

Having trouble with a Return Request or want to talk with our team? Email us at



We can ship to virtually any address in the United States. Unfortunately, as a small business we are unable to accommodate shipping internationally or to US territories. 

We are happy to offer you Free Shipping to qualifying orders of $150+ or more (based on subtotal excluding taxes). Other orders ship for a low $10 flat rate shipping fee. 

We are proud to offer free return shipping on all qualifying orders (please see above for instructions on how to receive your return label).

All orders will be shipped through USPS.